Celebrate EASTER with us on Sunday, April 20th at either 9:30am or 11:00am. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy worship, a relevant message of hope and celebration of the Risen Christ! ALL are welcome!

If you have kids 0 - 6th grade, bring them to Blue Ash Kids for a fun, engaging and enriching experience.

If you are a first-time guest, you can find out all about BACC HERE and you can pre-register your child(ren) in our Blue Ash Kids HERE!

Good Friday.
Join us Friday, April 18th and Journey to the Cross. From 11:30am - 1:30pm or 5:00pm - 7:30pm in a self paced guided prayer experience. You will have the space and time to reflect on the events of the crucifixion of Jesus and His resurrection in a unique and meaningful way.

Come anytime between 11:30am - 1:30pm or from 5:00pm - 7:30pm and spend about 45 minutes in the experience.


In 2025, we are continuing to take a deep dive into the Bible and encourage everyone to join us using the BACC Reading Plan. It’s our hope that this will guide you on your journey following Jesus to grow closer and in a deeper relationship with Him. You can go to the Journal and Reading Plan page for all information.

Every Christ follower has the unimaginable potential to influence the Kingdom by connecting in Biblical community. Becoming more Christ-like, striving for Godly obedience, and impacting others by fulfilling our mission to: Make Disciples who… GO to the missing, LOVE the marginalized, and LIVE as God’s kids. Our hope is to help you see your potential to become a DISCIPLE of Christ.

Need prayer?
Whatever you have going on, whether it’s overwhelming or hard or it’s a praise, God is always near ready to listen. The BACC Prayer Team is here to pray for you too!

We would be honored to pray for you and your prayer requests. You can click on the PRAYER REQUEST OR email prayer@blueashcc.com.


Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.
We’re in person and online!

We’re located at 10272 Alliance Road, Blue Ash, Ohio, 45242.

We’re online at www.bacclive.com.


Interested in how you can Get Involved at BACC? We have many ways for you to connect. You can check out our Discipleship program, Small Groups or Events. Check them all out HERE!

Baptism is an outward expression of an individual choice to follow Jesus.  The decision to be baptized may be one of the most important decisions you will make as a follower of Jesus. If you are interested in being baptized and would like more information, SIGNUP HERE, and someone will reach out to connect with you!  

Blue Ash Youth Ministry is a safe, fun and welcoming environment, where students can come to know Jesus and be known, for relationship building, worship, prayer, small groups, and some fun too!
Youth Ministry is for students in grades 7th - 12th. From September through May we meet on Tuesdays from 7:00pm - 8:30pm and in the summer we have a Summer Schedule and take a break from the weekly time together.

For more information about the Blue Ash Youth Ministry, visit our Youth Ministry page!

Blue Ash Kids is an exciting and welcoming place for your child(ren) from Infant - 6th grade. We believe in creating a safe and fun environment where kids learn God loves them, understand what a relationship with Jesus is and how to partner with the Holy Spirit. We want to dig into God’s truths through His Word together and apply it to our daily lives.

For more information about our Blue Ash Kids environment, visit our Kids page!
If you’re visiting for the first time, plan an extra few minutes to get set-up in our system, or if you want to save time, you could do all of that HERE!