We’re also in-person and on Facebook Live and YouTube Live, you’re welcome to join us there too!


We utilize the connect card as a way to engage in the church, in the community, and with others for sign-ups to small groups, events, and information.



We believe our relationship with Jesus isn’t a one time step but a life of continuous steps. It is our hope that taking a next steps helps you continue in building a relationship with God.



How can we PRAY for you? Whatever you have going on, God is always near and ready to listen and we are too! The BACC Prayer Team is always here to pray with you and for you.



If you call Blue Ash Community Church home, we want to encourage you to give generously, knowing your gift is being used to support our mission to GO. LOVE. LIVE. both HERE and in the WORLD.


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Stay connected with BACC and sign up to get our newsletters and updates!


We love kids at BACC and would love to have your child join us! For information on our kids ministry, you can get more information on our BACC Kids page.

Questions, feel free to connect with Hannah Rolf, our Blue Ash Kids Director at hannah@blueashcc.com.

BACC Kids-1.jpg

Are you accepting Jesus for the first time today?

We’d love to provide resources for you, click here and provide your information.

8 Ways to Grow…when we can’t meet together.

We know that church has been a bit different, but we hope this season isn’t something you simply go through, but something you grow through.

Blue Ash Community Church exists to give you the best opportunity to become a fully-developing follower of Jesus and as a result, your spiritual growth is one of our top priorities. We have developed eight simple ways for you to begin growing closer to God and closer to others at Blue Ash Community Church during these unknown times. We would encourage you to take a chance and see what happens! Here are 8 Ways To Grow:

  1. Commit to a Bible reading plan.

  2. Attend Blue Ash Community Church online each week.

  3. Join a Small Group.

  4. Take a Next Step each Sunday.

  5. Review the weekly message each week with a friend or engaging in your Next Step.

  6. If you have to miss a Sunday, listen and/or watch the service later.

  7. Give your offering regularly. 

  8. Regularly pray for and invite your friends to Blue Ash Community Church.

We would love to hear other ways you are growing through this time, simply email Pastor Andy at andy@blueashcc.com.

10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Church Online

  1. Decide Saturday to attend church on Sunday. Make church a priority and decide the night before which service you will be attending on Sunday.

  2. Log into bacclive.com, 10 minutes before church starts to ensure everything is working properly. We encourage you to participate through our website at bacclive.com to fill out your Connect Card and take a Next Step.

  3. Limit your distractions. There are a lot of distractions at home and the enemy will use everyone of them to distract you from what God has for you. Here are a few suggestions to help you engage in worship and limit your distractions: turn off your phone notifications, don’t watch from bed.

  4. Grab your Disciple Bible and a notepad. Be sure to have your Disciple Bible with you or a notepad to capture thoughts, ideas, quotes or something God has spoken to you. If you don’t have a Bible, you can sign up to get one here.

  5. Fill out your Connect Card each week. We believe God has a next step for you and by you filling out your Connect Card you are agreeing that God has a Next Step for you.

  6. Give online. We believe that giving is an act of both obedience and worship. You can give in one of 4 Ways:

    • Online at www.blueashcc.com/give or at www.baccgive.com.

    • Text your amount to 84321

    • Through the Church Center App.

    • Mail your offering to: Blue Ash Community Church, 10272 Alliance Rd Blue Ash, OH 45242

  7. Worship, don’t just watch. It may seem odd at first, but engage in worship like you would if you were at church. Sing, raise your hands or whatever is comfortable to you.

  8. If you have kids check out BACC Kids. Be sure to check out the great message and activities we have for them as well on the Blue Ash Kids Facebook page or on our website Blue Ash Kids.

  9. Talk about what you’ve learned with someone. After the service is over, call or video chat with a friend. Talk about the service, the readings, the music, the sermon, or anything else going on in your life. Right now, it is very easy to feel isolated and cut off from the people we care about, so work to overcome that as best you can!

  10. Tell others! Invite your friends to join you next week. Share the live feed on your social media pages. Ask for one of our yard signs to put alert your neighbors of our online experience.