About Small Groups
True connections are rarer now more than ever, as we all crave true meaningful relationships. God created us for community - both with Himself and with each other. At BACC, Small Groups provide a community that foster these relationships both with God and with one another and are where you can belong, believe, and become.
BELONG: A place where you can meet Jesus through a group that welcomes and accepts you.
BELIEVE: A place where you can know Jesus through His Word and His people.
BECOME: A place where you can follow Jesus as you become who God has designed you to be.
We BELIEVE that there isn’t anything more important that you will do in the next few months then engage in a Small Group. Here are all the offerings and information on how to SIGN UP!
M01 - Dive into Luke and Acts, Women’s Small Group. Join Annie Baur as you dive into the two-part works of Luke and Acts and gain a unique perspective on the life of Jesus and the early Church. This group will meet every other Monday, starting September 9th from 9:30a - 10:30a at BACC. Childcare is available. For questions, connect with Annie ~ anniefletcher@gmail.com. SIGN UP for Dive into Luke and Acts HERE!
M02 - Taste for Truth. Have you ever felt like you'll never be able to lose weight and keep it off? This Bible study is your answer! Join Janice Hickman in the Taste for Truth, a 30-day Bible study with a hands-on renewing of the mind, where you'll be taking off the lies that make you overeat and putting on the truth that will make you actually want to eat with control. This group will meet 5 times - September 9th, 23rd, 30th, October 14th and 28th from 5:15p - 6:45p at BACC. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Janice ~ hickmanjanice@gmail.com. SIGN UP for Taste for Truth HERE!
T01 – Twelve Women of the Bible, Women’s Small Group. Ann Tolle is leading this small group looking at the triumphs and failures of the twelve women of the Bible. This group will discover new insights and be challenged, encouraged and empowered to face trials in your own life by drawing nearer to God. This small group will meet every Tuesday for 12 weeks, starting on September 10th from 7:00p – 8:30p at BACC. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Ann ~ anntolle72@gmail.com. SIGN UP for Twelve Women of the Bible HERE!
T02 - Forgiving What You Can’t Forget , Women’s Small Group. Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on living like this, but you don't know what to do next. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled through this journey, but in surprising ways, she’s discovered how to let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right. Join Janna Rainey as she leads this 6 week Women’s Small Group on Tuesdays, starting September 10th from 7:00p – 8:45p at BACC. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Janna ~ jannarainey@yahoo.com. SIGN UP for Forgiving What You Can’t Forget HERE!
TH01 - Prayers of the Heart. Amycolleen Klapp is leading this small group, Psalms - Prayers of the Heart, utilizing a study by Eugene H. Patterson. In this life there are many distrations, good and bad alike. Who knew that better than King David, a man who experienced both. This small group will journey through the Psalms and learn how to pray to catch the ear of God. This small group will meet for 6 weeks on Thursday, starting on September 12th from 9:30a - 11:00a at BACC. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Amycolleen ~ amycolleen@gmail.com. SIGN UP for Prayers of the Heart HERE!
TH02 - Practicing the Way. Join Hannah and Craig in this 8-week small group to dial in our apprenticeship to Jesus. Through teaching, discussion, practice and community we’ll remind ourselves just how good it is to lead a life following and embodying Jesus, His life, and His teachings. We all desire Jesus, but find ourselves covered in the dust of our rabbi, or hearing his words like a podcast… after the fact and distant. Let’s embrace the full life Jesus offers, but taking on the life of an apprentice. This small group will meet every Thursday, starting September 12th from 7:00p - 8:30p in Sharonville. Childcare is available. For questions, connect with Hannah or Criag ~ hannah@blueashcc.com / craig@blueashcc.com. SIGN UP for Practicing the Way HERE!
F01 - Beautiful Outlaw, Young Adult Small Group. Join Nathaniel King as he leads this young adult small group. Utilizing the book Beautiful Outlaw, by John Eldredge, you’ll discuss how to break Jesus out of the typical sterotypes. Beautiful Outlaw welcomes readers into the rich emotional life of Christ showing how they can expereince the actual personality of Jesus in their daily lives in ways that will deepen their faith. This small group will meet every other Friday, starting September 13th from 7:30p - 9:00p in Blue Ash. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Nathaniel ~ nathaniel@blueashcc.com. SIGN UP for Beautiful Outlaw HERE!
S01 - Men’s Coffee. Join Andy Rainey, as he leads the this Men’s Coffee discussing life and faith, in casual conversations shared in devotional style, stories and questions. We’re creating consistent conversations and opportunities to come together and talk about faith, life, and create connections and build relationships with each other. This small group will meet every Saturday, starting September 7th from 8:00a - 9:00a at BACC. Childcare is not available. For questions, connect with Andy ~ andy@blueashcc.com. SIGN UP for Men’s Coffee HERE!