For additonal information or questions, fill out the CONTACT BACC and we will be in contact with you to schedule a time to connect!


See the building transformation HERE!!!


Frequently Asked Questions

Why a Special Offering?

As part of God’s plan to grow the faith of the people in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time. The THRIVE offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2023. This offering is not because we are behind on budget, but rather is to position us to make a greater Impact in our church, in our community and with our strategic partners.


Why are we having this Giving Campaign? Why not just announce that we need funds to build a building?

We will not just come up with the kind of money necessary to build a building by simply announcing the need. It takes time and effort to fully communicate the need, the purpose, the goals, and the vision to everyone in our church. And our goals are much more than just raising funds.

How much should I give?

As you begin praying about the commitment, keep in mind that "EQUAL SACRIFICE, NOT EQUAL GIFTS." God doesn't give everyone the ability to give the same amount in dollars.

However, God does call us to make the same quality of commitment and to sacrifice. To “sacrifice” means to willingly give the best I have for a greater purpose. For some, a “sacrificial” gift given over 3 years may be $1,500. For others, a “sacrifice” may be closer to $30,000 or $75,000. God will impress a specific amount on your heart if you sincerely ask him to speak to you. To help with this, you can refer to the guide ~ Discerning God’s will.

How will the money we raise be used?

All funds received will go directly toward the expansion and buildout of the space. It is important to remember that our “THRIVE" gifts are to be in addition to our regular tithe or giving towards the operation of the church. Otherwise our day-to-day ministries will suffer.

What is the cost of the expansion?
As we continue to review, the total cost for the planned renovation and to equip each environment is approximately $600,000.

Is it OK to make a commitment to give an amount that I don’t have right now?

Yes! That is called FAITH! It pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).

Are My Gifts Tax-Deductible?

All gifts to Blue Ash Community Church, whether via the regular offering or this THRIVE ioffering are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the tax year given. Please be sure to include your name and address when you give so that a year end giving statement can be sent to you for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available for all gifts.

How do I track my commitment amount?
You can view the status of your commitment, as well as collective progress made for the campaigns from your donor profile on the church center app.
If you don't have the church center app, you can download it by going to the App Store for apple or Google Play download and search Church Center.

When will the expansion start?
The goal is to be in the new expansion no later than Easter of 2024!


WHEN and HOW do I make my commitment?

On Sunday, March 5th, we will gather the firstfruits offering & the commitment card. The first thing you can do is to decide how much of a firstfruits offering you’ll give. Then decide the amount you will commit to give in addition to your cash gift over the next 36 months. You'll write both of those amounts on your commitment card. You will want to bring BOTH to give in the offering on March 5th. If you can’t attend, mail it in advance so your gift can be included.

What’s the difference between the regular offering and the THRIVE Offering?

The regular Blue Ash Community Church offering is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. From time to time there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way. This THRIVE offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith. The special offering should be over and above what you regularly give.

When will we begin to contribute to our THRIVE commitments?

Giving toward our commitments begin on Sunday, March 5th with your firstfruits and will end 36 months later.

Will my commitment be kept confidential?

How can I give?

There are numerous ways to give your commitment to THRIVE.

  • Church Center app: use the give function on the church center app and choose the THRIVE dropdown

  • Online: go to

  • Text2give: Text "amount thrive" to 84321

  • Automated: set up an automatic recurring dontation dirctly from your bank, put THRIVE in the memo and have it mailed to 10272 Alliance Rd, Blue Ash, Ohio, 45242

  • Mail: mail a check with THRIVE in the memo to 10272 Alliance Rd, Blue Ash, Ohio, 45242

  • Stock: donations of stock can be made directly to our account via DTC transfer. For information email Michelle at

Will I be able to change my 36 month commitment if I need or want to?

Of course! Unforeseen circumstances may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment in the future. At any time during the 36 months all you’ll need to do is ask for another commitment card and turn it in with your revised commitment!

Should I Tithe before giving to the Thrive Campaign?
Yes. We believe that God asks us to not only trust Him with the Tithe, He dares to say TEST Me with the Tithe (Malachi 3:10). In every person’s life, God plants the question: “Do you trust Me?” To trust Him financially means we experience peace and contentment while we enjoy the thrill of participating in His financial mission for the world. To trust in our savings account means we experience anxiety and anguish while we miss out on one of life’s central invitations to sow spiritual seed for Gods Kingdom (2 Corinthians 9:6-15).

Why would God drain you of your resources and then not replenish them to accomplish what He’s committed to doing? In other words, if you are a partner with God in this, why would He hinder your ability to give toward the things that are the passions of His heart: the poor and His ministry? We would encourage you to commit to partnering with God with your tithe first and then prayerfully consider a sacrificial giving to commit to the Thrive campaign.