BACC Reading Plan
Jesus said to his disciples, “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative - that is, the Holy Spirit -
he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” John 14:2
Throughout the next year, ask God each day to speak to you from Scripture. Be expectant, and let your continual exposure to God's Word reshape you, as you gain a better understanding of every part of His written testimony to us. Not all will be understood as you read the Bible and that’s OK! God will reveal what He wants you to know in the time that He wants you to know it. And when He reveals it to you, choose to obey. Keep reading… Stick it out… Be Patient... and Listen!
A life lived in reading God's Word, is a example of a lifetime learner and at Blue Ash Community Church, we are learners for life! If you're ready to be a learner for life, let's get started! Here’s how it works:
Pick up a Journal. It is our hope that you find journaling helps guide you on your journey following Jesus growing closer and in a deeper relationship with Him. Throughout the next year, ask God each day to speak to you from Scripture.
The BACC Reading Plan starting in January, but can be started whenever you can or want to. If you get a journal in July, jump into the reading plan right where we are! And if you miss the daily reading for a day, or two, or more…it's ok! We encourage you to pick back up, start again where we are and allow yourself grace.Choose a journaling method. We encourage you to use the H.E.A.R journaling method. The H.E.A.R. method promotes reading the Bible with a life-transforming purpose, to read in order to understand and respond to God's Word. The acronmyn H.E.A.R. stands for Highlight, Explain, Apply and Respond, and each of these steps contributes to creating an atmosphere to hear God speak. You can find all the details of the H.E.A.R. method at the beginning of your Journal Through the Bible or you can print a version HERE! But know that ANY way that you journal is GREAT!
Use the BACC Reading Plan. The BACC reading plan will guide you through key stories and scriptures in the Bible! Each week, you will have a set number of chapters to read - or occasionally you’ll read through the same books more than once. HERE you can get full BACC reading plan.
Watch the Book Overview as you begin each book of the Bible. The Bible is one unified story that leads to Jesus. When you open it up and you'll find that it is actually a collection of 66 different books. The links below take you to the bible project website or go to, where you will find the book overviews that will quickly orient you to each book of the Bible. The videos give you a visual of the shape of each biblical book. In each overview you'll see the books design, it's repeated themes and an overview of the story. Each book has one video, but on a few there are two parts.
Memory Verse Digital Downloads
For each message series, we provide a Memory Verse Card, sharing the memory versus and reading plan for each series. These cards can be carried with you as your reminder in your room, in your car, on your mirror, etc. Or you can keep them in the card pouch in the front of your Bible. You can also use the digital downloads to save as your computer screen, on your phone or as your facebook image.
As you begin in the BACC Reading Plan, there are a number of resources for you. We’ve listed them below, but you can also find them in your journal!
BACC Reading Plan. Here you’ll find the year long BACC Reading Plan with links that go directly to the Bible Project - One Story That Leads to Jesus. The links take you directly to videos that share an overview and themes that expore topics found within each reading section.
Books of the Bible Overview. The book overviews quickly orient you to each book of the Bible. The videos give you a visual of the shape of each biblical book. In each overview you'll see the books design, it's repeated themes and an overview of the story. Each book has one video, but on a few there are two parts.
H.E.A.R. Journal method. The H.E.A.R. method promotes reading the Bible with a life-transforming purpose, to read in order to understand and respond to God's Word.