Blue Ash Community Church Family,

As we continue to watch and stay close to the developments on the COVID-19 (coronavirus), we continue to adjust and react to the daily recommendations of our federal, state, local governments, and health care organizations. 

Since we are required stay at home, as much as possible, and to limit our gatherings, we will not be meeting in person, until further notice. We do continue to meet as a Staff and PAC, via conference call, to respond to the current status and pray together for our world, nation, communities, and families.

We DO believe we can continue to learn and grow together as a church by worshipping together and sharing the time virtually.   
Here are ways you can connect:

Sunday Services – Online Only.  As our services will be online, we will not be meeting at BACC, we would encourage you to watch via our livestream on Facebook and YouTube Live at 10:00a on Sundays. 

BACC Kids.  Each week we’ll share a link to the Orange curriculum that allows your family to experience together.  Here is the link for this week: To get to your kids Bible Story and Worship, click FIRST LOOK for your youngest through Kindergarten, and click 252 PRETEEN EXPERIENCE for your 1st - 6th graders.  For the Preschool Parent Guide , click HERE and for 1st - 6th Parent Guide, click HERE, these include an activity, questions, and prayer for each lesson.
Questions or need some help, let Hannah know, you can email her anytime @   

BACC Men’s Ministry.  As we continue to find ways to provide opportunities to come together as a church and connect, we're launching a VIRTUAL Men's Ministry. On the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings from 8:00a - 9:00a, we'll be meeting via Google Hangouts. Here's the LINK to Google Hangouts. You can also find the link in the Men's Event that you would receive in your email.
Also, don't know about Google Hangouts, here's a great resource for you to prepare GOOGLE HANGOUTS.

Blue Ash Students.  We will be meeting live with our students in our 7th – 12th grades too!  We’ll meet on Tuesdays @ 7:30p, via ZOOM meeting! You can download the app called “ZOOM Cloud Meetings” or use your computer. Create an account, then click the link for the Zoom meeting: with a meeting ID: 411 046 6976.

Prayer. Scripture. Worship. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings @ 11:00a, live on Facebook. To watch on Facebook, click here.

Even though we’re not gathering in-person for church, you still can make a difference.  Be prayerful and look to impact the lives of others by looking after and serving your neighbors, especially those who may not have the ability to get out and get groceries.  We encourage you to help us continue to serve our church, our community and our mission to GO to the missing, LOVE the marginalized and LIVE as God’s kids by giving your tithes and offerings through our giving page or by using the church center app.