Now through January 31, 2022 we are Raising the Bar to raise $22,000 to support initiatives to increase our commitment to missions and outreach, ministering to our families, improving first time guests experiences and environments at BACC.

We are asking each of you to join us in praying and asking God what He would have you give over and above your regular tithes and offerings to help us Raise the Bar in 2022.

Raising The Bar in Missions/Outreach
We take God’s command to make disciples of all the nations seriously. Part of the command is reaching those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. We do this in multiple ways, locally and globally.

  • Globally we partner with Back2Back Ministries, an organization who supports local Orphanages in Haiti, Mexico, Nigeria, India and the Dominican Republic. We love their Holistic Care approach and their desire to raise up, equip and release missionaries. We want to Raise the Bar and double our investment in 2022 to help them continue their mission.

  • Locally we have a heart to serve and love on the community. Throughout the year we have many outreach events to invite friends and family to and engage the community. Fall Fun Fest, BIG Sundays, Touch-A-Truck and Police Open House are just a few. In 2022 we want to Raise the Bar on all of these events to offer a few more fun packed and delicious options for people!

These are just a few of the ways we hope to Raise the Bar in Mission and Outreach in 2022 through this offering.

Raising the Bar in Ministering to Families
We believe that everyone has the potential to become more Christ-like, strive for Godly obedience, and impact others by fulfilling our mission to: Make Disciples who… GO to the missing, LOVE the marginalized, and LIVE as God’s kids. Our hope is to continue to do all of these in our kids, students and our men's and women's ministries.

  • We believe children aren’t simply our future, but also our present. The work we do in Blue Ash Kids is equally, if not more, important than the work we do with adults. Kids have so much fun on Sundays, but we want them to have fun while they learn how much Jesus loves them, is for them and believes in them. We believe that God can use them to impact their friends, family and classmates. We want to Raise the Bar by improving our environments to help an already great ministry continue to thrive by adding a few practical items and a few new elements of fun.

  • In our BACC Students we create a safe, fun and welcoming environment, where students can come to know Jesus and be known. We provide LOTS of opportunities for learning, connecting and FUN events. We want to Raise the Bar and provide additional fun elements for students. We believe that students have the ability to influence their friends groups and additional elements and events will allow an opportunity for them to invite their friends to share Jesus with them too!

We also want to Raise the Bar in how we serve Marriages, Women and Men through programs and events specifically designed for them.

Raising The Bar in our Environments
We believe God will continue to send more families to Blue Ash Community Church and we know that cleanliness and organization of the church matters. People decide if they are going to return to a church a second time within the first 7 minutes, sometimes happening before they even reach their seats! Signage, options of water, coffee and tea, cleanliness of the lobby, hallway, kids rooms and the ease of which they can check in their kids all matters!

  • We believe that one of the ways to impact the first 7 minutes is by welcoming people and we have the best, but other way is thorough non-distracting environments. Also offering coffee, tea and water are ways to impact the experience at BACC. We want to Raise the Bar with some maintenance on our coffee machine and providing an opportunity for Iced Coffee!

  • The wow factor and organizational side of our church is also important, as people are utilizing the church for trainings, smalls groups and allowing another church to use our space on Saturdays! To stay organized we need to be able to easily store things, but to be able to do it in a way that is pleasing to the eye and allows for multiuse of the space we have. We want to Raise the Bar to allow for additional organization options.

Please pray and ask God what He would have you give over and above your regular tithes and offerings to help us Raise the Bar in 2022. Remember, this offering isn’t about equal giving, but equal sacrifice. It will take all of us giving sacrificially to support these initiatives in 2022.

Consider making your first gift or an additional gift today by using the Offering Envelope, just write in Raise the Bar. You can give via cash, check, stocks, debit or credit card online at and choosing the Raising the Bar offering from the dropdown menu, or text "any dollar amount raising" to 84321.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why a Special Offering?

As part of God’s plan to grow the faith of the people in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time.  This Raising the Bar special offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in 2022.  This offering is not because we are behind on budget, but rather is to position us to make a greater Impact in our community, in our church in 2022.


What’s the Difference Between the Regular Offering and this Special Offering?

The regular Blue Ash Community Church offering is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. From time to time there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way.  This Raising the Bar special offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith.  The special offering should be over and above what you regularly give.

How Much Should I Give?

Since the goal is $22,000, this Raising the Bar special offering will involve everyone.  Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith.  The precise amount you give is between you and God.  Many in our church can give a $50, $500, $5,000 or even a $10,000 gift.  Others will be able to give between $10 and $500.  The issue is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice.  What amount can you give that will stretch your faith?

Why is the Goal So Large?

Since the beginning of Blue Ash Community Church in 2013, we have been a church that has dared to dream big dreams for God.  As a brand new church plant we raised over $15,000 for the trailer and tools for Haiti.  The initiatives for this offering are BIG – Big dreams require big faith.  The accomplishment of these big dreams will be determined by your gifts to this Raising the Bar special offering.

When Should I Give?

The best time to give will be the first Sunday, but we ask that you pray about making your best gift on that day.  However, you can continue to give until January 31, 2022. To give, write “RAISING THE BAR” in the blank are of the offering envelopes or include a note designating that your gift is for the Special Offering.  Remember, consistent gifts over time add up – a person giving $50 per week over a ten-week period will give $500 to the Special Offering.

Can I Give Online, Via Bank Check, Through My Auto-Debit or Credit Card?

Yes to all.  When you give at via online giving, simply select ”Raising the Bar” under the drop-down menu.   Likewise, you can use your bank’s online payment option to send a check directly to the church office. Again, simply mark in the memo area that your gift is for the Impact Offering.

Can I Give In-Kind Gifts of Stocks or Bonds?

Of course! Since Blue Ash Community Church is a 501c3 organization there can be tremendous tax benefits for you by giving in-kind gifts. For information on this type of giving just call us at 513-549-0565 or email our admin at  

Are My Gifts Tax-Deductible?

All gifts to Blue Ash Community Church, whether via the regular offering or this Special Offering, are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the tax year given (i.e. gifts given in 2021 will be deductible on your 2021 taxes).   Please be sure to include your name and address when you give so that a receipt can be sent to you for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available for all gifts.

How Did We Arrive at a $22,000 Goal?

The $22,000 goal for our Raising the Bar was set up by our Pastoral Advisory Counsel and our Staff.  It is a God-sized goal that can only be accomplished through 100% participation and sacrificial giving by the generosity of those that call Blue Ash Community Church home.  Since we are expecting God to bless this Special Offering, it has been determined that any amount over and above our goal will go to our general budget for future project and initiatives.

How Will I Know if We Reach Our Goal?

Please pray for God’s guidance as we all give sacrificially.  You will be updated on our giving progress through the This Sunday @ Blue Ash Community Church during the Sunday services.  Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what we can do together as we stretch our faith under God’s leadership.


Have additional questions? Please contact Andy Rainey at or call the church line at 513-549-0565.